Shipping & delivery
Shipping Rate
Order process time 1-4 business days
USPS $6-$7 (2 to 5 business days)
UPS $20-$45 (1-3 business days)
USPS $16-$18 (10 to 21 business days)
UPS $20-$45 (3-4 business days)
Rate and delivery window depending on the location
USPS $19-$20 (7-30 business days)
UPS $30-$40 (2-7 business days)
Shipping & delivery
- Order processing time takes 1-4 working days. Made to order items take 7-30 working days. During sale/holiday periods, processing time and shipping time will take longer. We thank you for your patience.
- After your order has processed, it will ship via USPS Ground Advantage or UPS . You will receive a tracking number once the order has been shipped. Transit time depends on your location. USA takes about 3-5 working days, International takes about 7-30 working days, however, the delivery time for USPS is NOT guaranteed.
- International buyers should note that UPS, DHL, and FedEx impose high brokerage fees on all imports. Opt for USPS to avoid these fees.
- Import tax and border charges can happen with international online purchase. These charges are determined by your destination, and the contents and value of the consignment. You may be required to pay these prior to receiving your order, or they may be charged to you at a later date. Charges of this nature are the responsibility of the buyer. Any order is undeliverable at destination due to refusal to pay import tax, will not be refunded. Import tax, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping fee. These charges are international buyers' responsibility.
- The End is not responsible, nor in control of transit delays once the item has shipped. Customs clearance and weather delays are the most common, and can affect the shipping time outlined above. If an order is undeliverable at destination due to refusal to pay import tax, incorrect address, multiple failed attempts, or otherwise, the order will be abandoned at it's destination. Any abandoned packages by USPS due to no delivery or no response from the receiver will not be refund.
- All orders come with a tracking number. If the tracking says that it is delivered but you have not received your package yet, please contact your local post or ask your neighbors first. We will no longer be held responsible with lost or stolen mail, when there's a proof of delivery confirmation. Contact your local post office directly, if you believe your package is lost or stolen. We are not responsible for packages that has proof of delivery and/or signed for. If you believe your package is lost or stolen , please contact USPS directly and dispute a case with them.
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